Simple yet very efficient, a betting calculator is the number one tool for helping casual and advanced punters improve their betting skills. Often referred to as a sports betting odds calculator or betting payout calculator, this mathematical mechanism will help with stake calculation, hedging opportunities, arbitrage assessment, and margin calculation.

It’s a powerful, all-in-one piece of software that can be found online for free. It will get all the data that you feed in the parameters area and convert it to potential outcomes. So that you can compare what odds and stake levels will guarantee the best value for your bet.

How to Bet Using a Betting Calculator

The typical layout of a sports betting odds calculator will include the following input options:

  • a drop-down menu to select the odds format.
  • a unit stake field
  • the odds field.
  • a “bet type” field.
  • a “number of selections” field

Once you’ve filled in all the necessary details, the algorithm swiftly processes your inputs and returns the results of your selection: the total return and the total profit.

A betting calculator tool is particularly helpful for most complicated system bets. Yankees, Trixies, Heinz, Super Heinz and special betting formats require much attention and testing before submission. Advanced players will take it a step further by using different calculator tools to hedge the risk among different bookmakers, arbitrage betting, or even smart betting. Undeniably, no serious punter will place bets before consulting a tool of this nature.

calculators for betting



Do I need to pay to use a betting calculator?

Although there are subscription-based betting tools, many free calculators are online. Most subscription tools offer a trial period, so you can try them before buying the product.

Am I allowed to use such tools when betting online?

Of course. Improving your betting skills and reducing the house edge is the expected progress of all punters.

Does the calculator cover all sports and markets?

Yes. The format of the tool requires only the odds value and the stake. The mechanism will stay the same based on the sport or market.

How many selections can I add to the calculator?

In most cases, unlimited.

What currencies and odds formats are available?

Most free betting calculators will support multiple currencies and odds formats. Decimal, Fractional and American are almost always there.