If you are ready to take the next step with your betting, arbitrage is an interesting move for you. It will require some studying and a good bankroll to start with. But if done properly, arbitrage is the best chance to eliminate the house edge and make the most of your betting strategy.

But there are secrets to it. And you might also need special tools, like an arbitrage calculator. This is software available online or for download that will enable you to figure out opportunities for arbitrage on different sports, leagues, and betting markets.

How to Bet Using An Arbitrage Calculator

On a typical betting arbitrage calculator, players enter two different parameters to allow the system to evaluate the winning proposition. Punters are asked to enter the values for the odds and possible stake amount scenarios. The arbitrage betting calculator will then provide the total payout of the scenario, including the projection for profit, loss, and even money.

However, the whole process requires a bit more effort. Betting odds change all the time, and fluctuations can be significant. An option that appeared tempting five minutes ago might be less tempting when you try to place the bet.

Players need to be on their toes too often to observe prices on more than one page to get the best prices for their arbitrage strategy. Also, please keep in mind that the margins can be extremely low in most cases, which means that you will need significant capital to guarantee decent profits when using arbitrage calculator betting.

Betting Calculators




Are profits guaranteed when using an arbitrage calculator?

You have more chances to make money if you use these tools. However, you need to use them correctly. It would be best to constantly observe the odds and betting limits. There are several success criteria for those who decide to follow that route in their betting.

Am I allowed to use an arbitrage betting calculator?

Such tools are available online for free, so no one can practically stop you from using them. However, several operators might need to approve this betting strategy; therefore, it’s important to check the terms and conditions of each page before you decide to practice arbitrage betting on them.

Do I need to pay to use an arbitrage calculator?

There is an abundance of free tools online. You can try first using those.

Is arbitrage betting so easy?

We strongly advise you to check the basic arb strategy and read some of the thousands of resources available online before you decide to follow this method.